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Talk Like A Pirate Day Activity Ideas (EYLF,QKLG,MTOP Links)

Talk Like a Pirate Day on the 19th September is nationally recognised as the major fundraiser for Childhood Cancer Support. You can support this charity here

Birth-3 years (EYLF)

Pirate Sensory Bottles Age: 6-18 months Materials: Plastic water bottles, food colouring, water, glitter, small pirate-themed trinkets (e.g., plastic coins) Instructions:

  1. Fill each plastic water bottle halfway with water.

  2. Add a few drops of food colouring of your choice.

  3. Drop in some glitter and pirate-themed trinkets like plastic coins or beads.

  4. Seal the bottle tightly and shake well.

  5. Allow the children to explore the bottles, rolling and shaking them to see the contents move. EYLF Link: Outcome 4.1 - Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.

Pirate Hat Making Age: 2-3 years Materials: Newspaper, black and white paint, paintbrushes Instructions:

  1. Take a double sheet of newspaper and fold it into a triangle to create the basic pirate hat shape.

  2. Have children paint the hats using black and white paint to make pirate-like designs.

  3. Allow to dry before wearing. EYLF Link: Outcome 5.1 - Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes. Age: 2-3 years Materials: Black paper, white crayons, popsicle sticks, glue Instructions:

  4. Provide each child with a black paper cut into a rectangle.

  5. Allow children to draw or scribble ‘piratey’ symbols with white crayons.

  6. Attach the paper to a popsicle stick using glue to make a flag. EYLF Link: Outcome 5.4 - Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.

Walk the Plank Balance Game

Age: 2-3 years Materials: Wooden plank or board, soft mat Instructions:

  1. Lay a wooden plank or board flat on the ground, placing a soft mat at the end of it.

  2. Encourage children to 'walk the plank' while balancing themselves.

  3. As they reach the end, they step off onto the soft mat. EYLF Link: Outcome 3.2 - Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.

Pirate Ship Sensory Bin Age: 18-36 months Materials: Large container, water, blue food colouring, small toy pirate ships, plastic fish Instructions:

  1. Fill a large container with water and add a few drops of blue food colouring to mimic the sea.

  2. Place small toy pirate ships and plastic fish in the water.

  3. Allow the children to explore the 'ocean', moving the ships and fish around. EYLF Link: Outcome 2.4 - Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment.

Treasure Hunt in Sand Age: 18-36 months Materials: Sandpit, small plastic coins or gems, shovels Instructions:

  1. Hide small plastic coins or gems in a sandpit.

  2. Provide children with little shovels and encourage them to dig for 'treasure.'

  3. Celebrate each find with a hearty "Arr!" EYLF Link: Outcome 4.2 - Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem-solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.

Pirate Ship Rocking Age: 6-18 months Materials: Rocking boat toy, soft dolls or stuffed animals as ‘pirates’ Instructions:

  1. Place a soft doll or stuffed animal in the rocking boat toy.

  2. Gently rock the boat and let the child observe.

  3. Encourage the child to try rocking the boat. EYLF Link: Outcome 3.1 - Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing.

Parrot Feather Painting Age: 18-36 months Materials: Feathers, paint, paper Instructions:

  1. Dip a feather in paint.

  2. Allow the child to use the feather as a brush to paint on paper.

  3. Discuss the colors and shapes they make. EYLF Link: Outcome 5.3 - Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media.

Cannonball Toss Age: 2-3 years Materials: Soft black balls, buckets Instructions:

  1. Line up buckets at varying distances.

  2. Provide children with soft black balls to act as 'cannonballs.'

  3. Encourage them to try and toss the balls into the buckets. EYLF Link: Outcome 1.2 - Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency.

Pirate Vocabulary Cards Age: 2-3 years Materials: Cards, markers Instructions:

  1. Write down simple pirate words like "Ship," "Map," "Treasure" on cards.

  2. Show the cards to the children and repeat the words, encouraging them to say them back. EYLF Link: Outcome 5.4 - Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.

Message in a Bottle Age: 2-3 years Materials: Small plastic bottles, paper, crayons Instructions:

  1. Provide each child with a small piece of paper.

  2. Let them scribble or draw a 'message' on the paper.

  3. Roll it up and place it inside a small plastic bottle. EYLF Link: Outcome 4.3 - Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another.

Pirate Face Painting Age: 18-36 months Materials: Non-toxic face paint, brushes Instructions:

  1. Paint simple pirate symbols like a beard or eye patch on children's faces.

  2. Use a mirror to show them their new pirate look. EYLF Link: Outcome 1.1 - Children feel safe, secure, and supported.

Sea Shanty Sing-Along Age: 18-36 months Materials: Lyrics printed or displayed, music player Instructions:

  1. Play simple sea shanties or pirate songs.

  2. Encourage children to clap and sing along. EYLF Link: Outcome 2.3 - Children become aware of fairness.

Pirate Ship Obstacle Course Age: 2-3 years Materials: Chairs, tables, cushions Instructions:

  1. Create a simple obstacle course using chairs as ships, tables as docks, and cushions as islands.

  2. Let children navigate through the course. EYLF Link: Outcome 1.3 - Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities.

Build a Pirate Cove Age: 2-3 years Materials: Large cardboard boxes, crayons, stickers Instructions:

  1. Assemble a large cardboard box to serve as a 'cove.'

  2. Encourage children to decorate it using crayons and pirate stickers. EYLF Link: Outcome 3.2 - Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.

X Marks the Spot Puzzle Age: 2-3 years Materials: Large cardboard, markers, Velcro Instructions:

  1. Cut a large piece of cardboard into puzzle pieces.

  2. On each piece, draw part of a treasure map. Make sure to draw an 'X' across multiple pieces.

  3. Attach Velcro to the back.

  4. Mix up the pieces and encourage the kids to connect them back together to find the 'X'. EYLF Link: Outcome 5.4 - Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.

Pirate Ship Float and Sink Age: 1.5-3 years Materials: Small toy pirate ships, a water table, assorted heavy and light objects Instructions:

  1. Fill the water table with water.

  2. Place small toy pirate ships on the water.

  3. Provide a variety of objects that float and sink.

  4. Encourage the children to place the objects on the pirate ships and observe if they float or sink. EYLF Link: Outcome 4.1 - Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination, and reflexivity.

Pirate Obstacle Course Age: 2-3 years Materials: Pool noodles, cones, small trampoline Instructions:

  1. Set up pool noodles as "planks" to walk over.

  2. Place cones for them to navigate around as "rocks."

  3. Add a small trampoline as a "pirate ship" they must jump onto.

  4. Let the kids navigate through the obstacle course. EYLF Link: Outcome 1.3 - Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities.

"Arr, Sing With Me!" Pirate Karaoke

"Arr, Sing With Me!" Pirate Karaoke Age: 2-3 years Materials: Microphone, pre-recorded pirate songs, lyrics Instructions:

  1. Prepare a list of simple pirate songs.

  2. Hand over the microphone to the children.

  3. Display the lyrics and play the pre-recorded pirate songs.

  4. Encourage them to sing along and imitate pirate sounds. EYLF Link: Outcome 5.1 - Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.

Pirate Puppet Theatre Age: 2-3 years Materials: Sock puppets, cardboard box, paint, fabric Instructions:

  1. Make simple sock puppets that resemble pirates, parrots, and maybe even a treasure chest.

  2. Convert a cardboard box into a small theatre with paint and fabric.

  3. Use the sock puppets to perform a simple pirate tale for the children.

  4. Invite the children to interact with the puppets, asking them what the pirate should do next in the story.

EYLF Link: Outcome 5.5 - Children use information and communication technologies to access information, investigate ideas, and represent their thinking.

3-5 years (QKLG)

Treasure Map Obstacle Course

Title: Treasure Map Obstacle Course Age: 3-5 years Materials: Chalk, cones, toy treasure chests Instructions:

  1. Use chalk to draw a map on the ground.

  2. Place cones or other markers as "islands" and "ships."

  3. Place toy treasure chests around the course.

  4. Children follow the map to find the "treasure."

QKLG Link: Active learning processes - Engage in ways to be imaginative and creative

Pirate Ship Balance Beam

Title: Pirate Ship Balance Beam Age: 3-5 years Materials: Planks of wood, cushions Instructions:

  1. Lay planks of wood over cushions to mimic a pirate ship's plank.

  2. Children walk across without "falling into the sea."

QKLG Link: Wellbeing - Show increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety for themselves and others

Message in a Bottle

Title: Message in a Bottle Age: 3-5 years Materials: Plastic bottles, paper, markers Instructions:

  1. Children write or draw a pirate message.

  2. Roll the message up and put it inside a plastic bottle.

  3. Hide bottles around the room for other children to find.

QKLG Link: Communicating - Engage in enjoyable interactions using verbal and non-verbal language

Pirate Flag Making

Title: Pirate Flag Making Age: 3-5 years Materials: Black and white paper, glue, paint Instructions:

  1. Provide paper and paint for the children.

  2. They can create their own pirate flag design.

QKLG Link: Active learning processes - Make choices, accept challenges and take considered risks in their learning

5. Parrot Feather Counting

Title: Parrot Feather Counting Age: 3-5 years Materials: Feathers, paper parrot cutouts, number cards Instructions:

  1. Children select a number card.

  2. They stick that number of feathers onto a paper parrot.

QKLG Link: Connectedness - Explore relationships and culture

Pirate Hat Origami

Title: Pirate Hat Origami Age: 3-5 years Materials: Newspaper, markers Instructions:

  1. Fold newspaper into pirate hats.

  2. Decorate with markers.

QKLG Link: Active learning processes - Engage in ways to be imaginative and creative

Pirate Role Play

Title: Pirate Role Play Age: 3-5 years Materials: Pirate costumes, props Instructions:

  1. Dress up in pirate gear.

  2. Assign roles and act out a pirate scene.

QKLG Link: Wellbeing - Show increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety for themselves and others

Pirate Bingo

Title: Pirate Bingo Age: 3-5 years Materials: Pre-made bingo cards, buttons Instructions:

  1. Create bingo cards with pirate-related words or images.

  2. Call out the items for children to mark on their card.

QKLG Link: Communicating - Explore and expand ways to use language

Pirate Band

Title: Pirate Band Age: 3-5 years Materials: Musical instruments Instructions:

  1. Gather various instruments like drums and shakers.

  2. Children pretend to be a pirate band, making up songs.

QKLG Link: Wellbeing - Show increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety for themselves and others

Island Hopping

Title: Island Hopping Age: 3-5 years Materials: Cushions, mats Instructions:

  1. Place cushions or mats as "islands."

  2. Children hop from one island to the next without touching the "water."

QKLG Link: Active learning processes - Make choices, accept challenges and take considered risks in their learning

Pirate Vocabulary Game

Title: Pirate Vocabulary Game Age: 3-5 years Materials: Flashcards with pirate words, treasure chest Instructions:

  1. Place flashcards face down on the floor.

  2. Children take turns flipping over cards and pronouncing the pirate words.

  3. Correct pronunciations get a "treasure" from the chest.

QKLG Link: Communicating - Engage in enjoyable interactions using verbal and non-verbal language

Telescope Crafting

Title: Telescope Crafting Age: 3-5 years Materials: Toilet paper rolls, paint, stickers Instructions:

  1. Children can paint or decorate toilet paper rolls.

  2. Once dry, they can use them as pirate telescopes.

QKLG Link: Active learning processes - Engage in ways to be imaginative and creative

Pirate Ship Float or Sink

Title: Pirate Ship Float or Sink Age: 3-5 years Materials: Small objects (cork, metal, wood), large water container Instructions:

  1. Children predict which items will float and which will sink.

  2. Test each object in a water container.

QKLG Link: Connectedness - Explore the diversity of culture, heritage, background and tradition.

Pirate Rhyme Time Age: 3-5 years Materials: Pirate-themed words on cards Instructions:

  1. Children pick a card and think of words that rhyme with it.

QKLG Link: Communicating - Explore and expand ways to use language

Pirate Shapes Search Age: 3-5 years Materials: Various shaped items (triangles, circles, squares), pirate bag Instructions:

  1. Children dig through a "pirate bag" to find and identify shapes.

QKLG Link: Wellbeing - Show increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety for themselves and others

X Marks the Spot Maths Age: 3-5 years Materials: Grid paper, markers Instructions:

  1. Mark an "X" somewhere on a grid.

  2. Children count the squares to find the "X."

QKLG Link: Active learning processes - Make choices, accept challenges and take considered risks in their learning

Pirate Puppet Show Age: 3-5 years Materials: Pirate puppets or sock puppets, stage area Instructions:

  1. Children can use puppets to perform a pirate-themed story.

QKLG Link: Active learning processes - Engage in ways to be imaginative and creative

Pirate Sensory Bin Age: 3-5 years Materials: Sand, plastic coins, small shovels Instructions:

  1. Fill a bin with sand and hide plastic coins.

  2. Children use small shovels to find the hidden "treasure."

QKLG Link: Wellbeing - Show increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety for themselves and others

Sea Creature Sorting Age: 3-5 years Materials: Toy sea creatures, sorting bins Instructions:

  1. Children sort toy sea creatures into bins based on characteristics like colour or size.

QKLG Link: Communicating - Engage in enjoyable interactions using verbal and non-verbal language

20. Pirate Obstacle Course

Title: Pirate Obstacle Course Age: 3-5 years Materials: Cones, hoops, pirate flags Instructions:

  1. Set up an obstacle course with various pirate-themed stations.

  2. Children navigate the course, collecting flags or other items along the way.

QKLG Link: Active learning processes - Make choices, accept challenges and take considered risks in their learning

MTOP 5-15 years

Pirate Mapmaking Age: 5-15 years Materials: Large paper, coloured markers, compass Instructions:

  1. Children create their own treasure maps, incorporating elements like islands, treasure chests, and pirate ships.

  2. Use a compass to give real directions.

MTOP Link: 1.1 Children and young people feel safe, secure, and supported

Pirate Code Cipher Age: 5-15 years Materials: Alphabet cards, cipher wheel Instructions:

  1. Teach children about ciphers and how pirates used them.

  2. Children create their own coded messages.

MTOP Link: 4.1 Children and young people are confident and involved learners

Nautical Knots Age: 5-15 years Materials: Ropes of various lengths Instructions:

  1. Teach the children different types of nautical knots.

  2. Have them practice tying these knots.

MTOP Link: 2.1 Children and young people develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities

Pirate Economics Age: 5-15 years Materials: Fake coins, goods for trading Instructions:

  1. Teach the basics of trade and economics through a pirate-themed trading game.

MTOP Link: 5.1 Children and young people interact verbally and non-verbally for a range of purposes

Jolly Roger Flag Design Age: 5-15 years Materials: Black cloth, paint Instructions:

  1. Discuss the history of the Jolly Roger.

  2. Children design their own Jolly Roger flags.

MTOP Link: 4.2 Children and young people are connected with and contribute to their world

Sea Shanty Composing Age: 5-15 years Materials: Musical instruments, paper and pen Instructions:

  1. Learn about the role of sea shanties in pirate culture.

  2. Compose an original sea shanty.

MTOP Link: 1.2 Children and young people develop emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and self-regulation

Pirate Ship Engineering

Title: Pirate Ship Engineering Age: 5-15 years Materials: Popsicle sticks, glue, small sails Instructions:

  1. Discuss the engineering behind pirate ships.

  2. Build miniature pirate ships using the materials.

MTOP Link: 4.1 Children and young people are confident and involved learners

Pirate Debates Age: 5-15 years Materials: Topic cards Instructions:

  1. Hold a debate on pirate-related topics, like "Was Blackbeard a hero or a villain?"

MTOP Link: 5.2 Children and young people engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts

Historical Pirate Research Age: 5-15 years Materials: Books, internet access Instructions:

  1. Research famous pirates and present findings to the group.

MTOP Link: 2.2 Children and young people respond to diversity with respect

Moral Dilemmas of Piracy Age: 5-15 years Materials: Scenario cards Instructions:

  1. Discuss the moral dilemmas pirates might have faced.

MTOP Link: 3.1 Children and young people become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing

Maritime Navigation

Title: Maritime Navigation Age: 5-15 years Materials: Maps, compasses, GPS (for older kids) Instructions:

  1. Teach basic navigation skills.

  2. Have children practice by finding "hidden treasure" using the compass or GPS.

MTOP Link: 4.2 Children and young people are connected with and contribute to their world

Pirate Radio Drama Age: 5-15 years Materials: Microphone, computer for recording Instructions:

  1. Script a short pirate-themed radio drama.

  2. Record it with character voices.

MTOP Link: 5.3 Children and young people express ideas and make meaning using a range of media

Pirate Court Age: 5-15 years Materials: Gavel, pirate hats, treasure as "evidence" Instructions:

  1. Stage a mock pirate court to discuss and 'settle' pirate issues.

  2. Assign roles like judge, plaintiff, and defendant.

MTOP Link: 1.3 Children and young people develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities

DIY Spyglass Age: 5-15 years Materials: Paper towel rolls, paint, lenses (for older kids) Instructions:

  1. Decorate paper towel rolls to look like spyglasses.

  2. For older children, add lenses to make them functional.

MTOP Link: 3.2 Children and young people take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical well-being

Message in a Bottle Age: 5-15 years Materials: Glass bottles, paper, pens Instructions:

  1. Write a message or a story and place it inside the bottle.

  2. Discuss how messages in bottles were historically used by sailors.

MTOP Link: 5.1 Children and young people interact verbally and non-verbally for a range of purposes

Pirate Slang Vocabulary Age: 5-15 years Materials: Vocabulary cards, pirate phrases Instructions:

  1. Create cards with pirate words and their meanings.

  2. Engage in vocabulary games to learn new words.

MTOP Link: 5.2 Children and young people engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts

Pirate Obstacle Course Age: 5-15 years Materials: Various objects for obstacles Instructions:

  1. Build an obstacle course themed after a pirate ship.

  2. Time each child navigating through the course.

MTOP Link: 4.1 Children and young people are confident and involved learners

Weather Forecasting Age: 5-15 years Materials: Thermometer, barometer, weather apps Instructions:

  1. Teach basic weather forecasting techniques.

  2. Discuss how weather would affect pirate activities.

MTOP Link: 2.3 Children and young people become aware of fairness

Ancient Sea Monsters Age: 5-15 years Materials: Drawing paper, crayons Instructions:

  1. Discuss myths about sea monsters in pirate tales.

  2. Create your own sea monster drawings.

MTOP Link: 4.4 Children and young people are confident and involved learners

Pirate Ethics and Law Age: 5-15 years Materials: Pirate code book, debate podium Instructions:

  1. Examine the Pirate Codes and discuss their fairness.

  2. Hold a debate or mock trial on a pirate law.

MTOP Link: 2.4 Children and young people become socially responsible and show respect for the environment

Plank Walk Age: 5-15 years Materials: Wooden planks, blindfolds Instructions:

  1. Lay wooden planks on the ground to form a path.

  2. Blindfold participants and guide them through the plank path using only verbal commands.

  3. Record the time it takes for each participant to complete the course.

MTOP Link: 3.2 Children and young people take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical well-being

23. Cannonball Toss

Title: Cannonball Toss Age: 5-15 years Materials: Softballs or bean bags, buckets Instructions:

  1. Place buckets at varying distances.

  2. Children stand behind a line and aim to throw the "cannonballs" (softballs or bean bags) into the buckets.

  3. Assign different points for each bucket based on its distance.

MTOP Link: 1.4 Children and young people develop a range of skills and processes such as problem-solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating

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