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Play-based Book Week Activity Ideas- Theme "Read, Grow, Inspire"

Writer's picture: The Educators' DomainThe Educators' Domain

Foster a love for reading, inspire imaginative thinking! We have created a collection of activities to align with the READ, GROW, INSPIRE theme, offering an array of engaging and educational experiences.

For children under the age of three, the activities are thoughtfully crafted with an emphasis on sensory exploration, gentle physical movements, connections to family, and foundational comprehension skills. These activities are not merely fun; they're instrumental in aligning with early developmental milestones. They encourage young children to interact with their world in new ways, sparking curiosity and laying the groundwork for a lifelong love of literature and storytelling.


For older children, the activities can be tailored to suit various age groups and abilities, enriching their learning journey with creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and empathy. By weaving together literature, art, science, and play, these activities offer a holistic approach to learning, ensuring that children are engaged, inspired, and empowered to READ, GROW, and INSPIRE.

Story Garden

  • Materials Needed: Various storybooks, pots, soil, seeds, markers.

  • Instructions: Have children plant seeds and associate them with different stories. They can nurture the plants as the story grows.

  • Learning Outcome: Developing a connection to nature and literacy (EYLF Outcome 2).

Character Dress-Up Day

  • Materials Needed: Costumes representing various book characters.

  • Instructions: Encourage children to dress up as their favourite characters and share why they like them.

  • Learning Outcome: Enhancing self-expression and creativity (EYLF Outcome 1).

Build Your Story

  • Materials Needed: Blocks, markers, paper.

  • Instructions: Have children build structures and write a short story about them.

  • Learning Outcome: Linking imagination and motor skills (EYLF Outcome 4).

Interactive Reading Time

  • Materials Needed: Various children's books.

  • Instructions: Read aloud and allow children to join in and predict what will happen next.

  • Learning Outcome: Enhancing comprehension skills (EYLF Outcome 5).

Create a Book Cover

  • Materials Needed: Paper, crayons, markers, glue.

  • Instructions: Have children create their own book cover for a favourite story.

  • Learning Outcome: Encouraging creativity and self-expression (EYLF Outcome 1).

Literary Collage

  • Materials Needed: Old magazines, glue, scissors.

  • Instructions: Children can cut out pictures and words to create collages that tell a story.

  • Learning Outcome: Promoting creativity and language development (EYLF Outcome 5).

Story Stones

  • Materials Needed: Smooth stones, paint, brushes.

  • Instructions: Paint or draw story elements on stones for children to use in storytelling.

  • Learning Outcome: Enhancing creativity and narrative skills (EYLF Outcome 5).

Write a Group Story

  • Materials Needed: Large paper, markers.

  • Instructions: Each child adds a sentence to a shared story.

  • Learning Outcome: Collaboration and communication (EYLF Outcome 2).

Fairy Tale Science

  • Materials Needed: Baking soda, vinegar, food colouring.

  • Instructions: Conduct simple experiments to recreate magical elements from fairy tales.

  • Learning Outcome: Exploring natural sciences (EYLF Outcome 4).

Reading Buddies

  • Materials Needed: Soft toys, books.

  • Instructions: Allow children to read to a soft toy, encouraging empathy.

  • Learning Outcome: Encouraging empathy and reading skills (EYLF Outcome 1).

Book Scavenger Hunt

  • Materials Needed: Books, clues.

  • Instructions: Organise a scavenger hunt with clues related to different books.

  • Learning Outcome: Problem-solving and cooperation (EYLF Outcome 4).

Story Yoga

  • Materials Needed: Yoga mats, story script.

  • Instructions: Incorporate poses into storytelling for a physical experience.

  • Learning Outcome: Physical development and mindfulness (EYLF Outcome 3).

Grow a Story Salad

  • Materials Needed: Lettuce seeds, pots, soil.

  • Instructions: Plant seeds and track growth, connecting to a story.

  • Learning Outcome: Understanding nature and growth (EYLF Outcome 2).

Storytelling with Puppets

  • Materials Needed: Puppets or puppet-making materials.

  • Instructions: Children can use or make puppets to tell a story.

  • Learning Outcome: Enhancing creativity and language (EYLF Outcome 5).

Character Emotions Chart

  • Materials Needed: Paper, markers, storybook.

  • Instructions: Discuss and chart different emotions of characters in a story.

  • Learning Outcome: Understanding emotions (EYLF Outcome 1).

Book-themed Cooking

  • Materials Needed: Cooking ingredients related to a story.

  • Instructions: Cook something that is part of a story (e.g., gingerbread men).

  • Learning Outcome: Exploring culture and sensory experiences (EYLF Outcome 3).

Musical Story Chairs

  • Materials Needed: Chairs, music, story prompts.

  • Instructions: Play musical chairs, but when the music stops, a child picks up a story prompt and continues the story.

  • Learning Outcome: Physical activity and creativity (EYLF Outcome 4).

Create a Comic Strip

  • Materials Needed: Paper, markers, crayons.

  • Instructions: Children can create their own comic strips based on a book or original story.

  • Learning Outcome: Encouraging creativity and sequential thinking (EYLF Outcome 5).

Match the Quote

  • Materials Needed: Quotes from various books, matching cards.

  • Instructions: Children match quotes with the corresponding book or character.

  • Learning Outcome: Enhancing memory and literary knowledge (EYLF Outcome 5).

Read to Grow Plants

  • Materials Needed: Seeds, pots, soil.

  • Instructions: Children read to their plants and observe growth.

  • Learning Outcome: Understanding growth and care (EYLF Outcome 2).

Book Tasting Party

  • Materials Needed: Various books, decorations.

  • Instructions: Set up a book tasting where children explore different books.

  • Learning Outcome: Encouraging diverse reading interests (EYLF Outcome 5).

Story Mapping

  • Materials Needed: Large paper, markers.

  • Instructions: Create a visual map of the plot of a story.

  • Learning Outcome: Enhancing comprehension and mapping skills (EYLF Outcome 5).

Treasure Box Storytelling

  • Materials Needed: Box, various small objects.

  • Instructions: Children pick objects from a box to tell an impromptu story.

  • Learning Outcome: Creativity and spontaneous expression (EYLF Outcome 1).

Character Role Play

  • Materials Needed: Costumes, props.

  • Instructions: Children role-play different characters from books.

  • Learning Outcome: Empathy and understanding perspectives (EYLF Outcome 2).

Favourite Book Voting

  • Materials Needed: Ballot box, paper, pencils.

  • Instructions: Children vote for their favourite book and discuss the results.

  • Learning Outcome: Understanding opinions and democracy (EYLF Outcome 2).

Illustrate a Scene

  • Materials Needed: Paper, art supplies.

  • Instructions: Children draw a scene from a favourite book.

  • Learning Outcome: Visual expression and comprehension (EYLF Outcome 5).

Story Shadows

  • Materials Needed: Flashlight, paper for shadow puppets.

  • Instructions: Create shadow puppets and tell a story.

  • Learning Outcome: Creativity and exploration of light and shadow (EYLF Outcome 4).

Book Themed Obstacle Course

  • Materials Needed: Various obstacles themed after a book.

  • Instructions: Children navigate an obstacle course based on a story's plot.

  • Learning Outcome: Physical coordination and comprehension (EYLF Outcome 3).

Rhyme Time

  • Materials Needed: Rhyming books, bells.

  • Instructions: Ring a bell whenever children hear a rhyme during the story.

  • Learning Outcome: Phonological awareness (EYLF Outcome 5).

Family Reading Night

  • Materials Needed: Books for all ages.

  • Instructions: Invite families to come in and read together.

  • Learning Outcome: Family engagement and love of reading (EYLF Outcome 2).

Texture Storybook

  • Materials Needed: Fabric, paper, glue.

  • Instructions: Create a simple texture book with different fabrics for tactile exploration.

  • Learning Outcome: Sensory exploration (EYLF Outcome 3).

Animal Sound Story

  • Materials Needed: Animal picture cards, instruments to mimic sounds.

  • Instructions: Engage children in mimicking animal sounds as you read a story about animals.

  • Learning Outcome: Auditory development and animal recognition (EYLF Outcome 4).

Storytime with Movement

  • Materials Needed: Simple storybook.

  • Instructions: Read a story and incorporate simple movements like clapping or stomping.

  • Learning Outcome: Physical coordination and engagement (EYLF Outcome 3).

Water Play with Duckies

  • Materials Needed: Water table, rubber duckies.

  • Instructions: Read a duck-themed book and allow children to play with rubber ducks in water.

  • Learning Outcome: Sensory play and understanding of floating (EYLF Outcome 4).

Garden Picnic Reading

  • Materials Needed: Blankets, children's books, soft toys.

  • Instructions: Have a picnic outside and read to children and soft toys.

  • Learning Outcome: Outdoor engagement and appreciation of nature (EYLF Outcome 2).

Painting with Vegetables

  • Materials Needed: Non-toxic paint, vegetable pieces (e.g., carrot slices).

  • Instructions: Read a story about vegetables and then paint using vegetable pieces.

  • Learning Outcome: Creativity and exploration of textures (EYLF Outcome 5).

Bubble Storytime

  • Materials Needed: Bubble solution, wands.

  • Instructions: Read a story about bubbles and then let children play with bubbles.

  • Learning Outcome: Fine motor skills and sensory exploration (EYLF Outcome 3).

Family Photo Story

  • Materials Needed: Family photos, album or display board.

  • Instructions: Create a simple visual story using family photos, engaging children in family recognition.

  • Learning Outcome: Family connection and social understanding (EYLF Outcome 1).

Dance to the Beat

  • Materials Needed: Musical instruments or recorded music, space to dance.

  • Instructions: Play music that aligns with a story's theme and allow children to dance and explore the beat.

  • Learning Outcome: Rhythm and physical expression (EYLF Outcome 3).

Soft Book Exploration

  • Materials Needed: Soft fabric books with varied textures.

  • Instructions: Allow children to explore soft books, encouraging tactile engagement.

  • Learning Outcome: Sensory exploration and early literacy interest (EYLF Outcome 4).

Have a look at our Book Week Pack below...

View Our Massive Learning Outcome Activity Binder Below....






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