Information around your Program for Families
Families in your service simply want to know that their child is being cared for each day given opportunities to learn and grow. We have a huge collection of posters that are aimed at helping families gain a better understanding of how we are aiming to achieve quality outcomes for children. Quality Area 6- Collaborate Partnerships with families and communities. Communicating all of this information to families is fundamental to achieving quality outcomes for children.
A great place to display this information is around your program or even on your notice boards. As a special offer we have combined all of our Posters into one special offer- Scroll all the way down below to see everything you will get in this pack.
All 3 of our Learning Outcome Posters For Families
Learning Outcome Posters for Families
Principles and Practices for Families
This pack helps you share with families how our principles guide
our Practice.
Belonging, Being, Becoming Posters
A collection of Posters for families identifying what Belonging, Being and becoming actually means for children.
Plus a set of editable learning story pages.
Belonging, Being, Becoming
This set also includes a collection of editable learning story pages
All of these posters are included in this limited time offer PLUS!!... we have added these freebies to this offer in case you don't have them already!! Keep scrolling as we have added so many to this offer!
All of these are included in this offer!
All of the posters and all of the packs in this massive special offer. Just choose download now below to order or if you would like an alternative payment method and an invoice just click here- Request Invoice